

Music Bot


Demonstration of functionality

The bot signs tracks for the channel @ug_rap

The bot allows you to sign and put a cover for tracks.

List of commands
Launch the bot
Changing the clip type (official / general)
Send a message for review (after /sp your message)
Cancel actions

Send/forward track to sign it

[number] - Get a voice message with a number

Encoder Bot


Demonstration of functionality

The bot encrypts and decrypts the text, and then issues a unique key 🔑

After sending any message, the bot will send you an encrypted message and a unique key that can be used to decrypt this message

List of commands
Launching the bot
Bot settings
Canceling actions
Caesar's Cipher
This mode allows you to encrypt text by replacing a character that is located at a certain constant number of positions to the left or right of it in the alphabet
The Vigener Cipher
This mode allows you to encrypt text using a keyword that you can create yourself, or generate automatically



Demonstration of functionality

Completed tasks for subjects

The bot sends completed tasks by subject

To find the desired task for the subject, just write /start, then select Course > Subject > Task

List of commands
Launch the bot
Support the developer

Some tasks are paid, the price is written in brackets

Example: 2 курс\ОТПВ\ПЗ 3 отчет (30грн)
